HALL OF FAME (lvl60)

(1) 31May05 --- Lizardman (26, m), Spain --- "Thanks Triumph for this riddle!!! I like it very very MUCH! Thanks too to Springer and Enia (my workgroup :D ) They are here with me!"

(2) 31May05 --- Springer (52, f), Isle of Wight, UK --- "What a FANTASTIC riddle. I LOVED it. Thank you SO much for making it. :)"

(3) 31May05 --- yamkaof (m), Germany --- "Great Game"

(4) 03Jun05 --- Lauren (25, f), UK --- "Well done - kept me occupied for well over a week. That's the only riddle I've actually finished!"

(5) 03Jun05 --- Ken Westberg (m), Massachusetts --- "jake is my hero"

(6) 03Jun05 --- Slowomir (22, m), Chicago --- "Nice work!! Love the riddle"

(7) 03Jun05 --- Tom (22, m), Holland --- "was addicted.. luckily some smarter people got me off the hook at some levels, thx makers and fellow addicts!"

(8) 03Jun05 --- Todd Graham (26, m), Burlington, WA --- "worked on this with three friends for two days straight (with stupid day job interruptions). thanks for the fun! i retract most of my deathwishes."

(9) 03Jun05 --- Mandy (28, f), Holland --- "great game!!!"

(10) 03Jun05 --- Jayla (19, f), Germany --- "*finally* *g* *aha ein deutscher hat dies also gemacht =) und ich hab mich noch gewundert warum da so viele deutsche sachen vorkamen =).. echt gut gemacht =) ich hoffe es gibt bald neue levels =)*"

(11) 03Jun05 --- Mariechen (38, f), Germany --- "Endlich bekommen meine Kinder wieder etwas zu essen... das Rätsel ist gelöst! ;-)"

(12) 03Jun05 --- Hinderik de Keijzer (28, m), NL --- "Just great! Kept me going on solving... but the last one... Can not see the link to the word from any clues"

(13) 03Jun05 --- gruebelgunter (34, f), Germany --- "Very great and thx to brainblog, jaggle an nordinho!!"

(14) 03Jun05 --- ZeeraaR_v2.0 (20, m), Belgium --- "OMG this was one trippy experience"

(15) 04Jun05 --- insane (22, m), Germany --- "was a lot of fun! thank you!"

(16) 04Jun05 --- Roel Herberghs (31, m), Netherlands --- "great riddle, can't wait for the sequel"

(17) 04Jun05 --- DukeLeto (21, m), Bucharest, Romania --- "Brilliant, i want more :)"

(18) 04Jun05 --- LesMiz (29, m), CT, USA

(19) 04Jun05 --- Daniel Huynh (16, m), Sydney, Australia --- "I rule...this game rocked.. i would donate if i had a credit card"

(20) 04Jun05 --- Infinity-X (20, m), Belgium --- "Great riddle, first one i did , but i loved, been on it for 2 days :)) But with some teammates we got it eventually , hope there comes another one. KEEP IT UP :)"

(21) 04Jun05 --- Jahan Kalantar (17, m), Sydney, Australia --- "This was probably the most mentally intensive task that I have had in a very long time. Congratulations on making an amazing challenge! Please add me to the hall of fame and congratulations on your amazing riddle"

(22) 04Jun05 --- Fabian (19, m), Stuttgart/BW/Germany/Europe/Earth --- "thx alot fpr this great riddle... had lots of fun! greetz, fabi"

(23) 04Jun05 --- Liam Dobson (23, m), UK --- "Very good puzzle, took me ages and kept me interested."

(24) 04Jun05 --- Bob Fenn (55, m), NSB --- "this is such a gay game it wasted all of my time. u dont desrve any credit for this shit game. i used ot be a theif...now i just drink coke RUGBY RULES! HELL YEAH NIGGA!!"

(25) 04Jun05 --- Rob --- GO THE DRAGONS! (17, m), Sydney --- "Game was cool. I actually solved this before Dan (who is number 20), but I wasn't able to get onto the internet for a whole day. Damnit. Oh well. Keep the riddles coming!"

(26) 04Jun05 --- Robin a.k.a. Pack @Delusional (25, m), Netherlands --- "w00t, long road, some hard ones but we did it! Great game! Delusionalfxp Roxorz tha 0wnerz!"

(27) 04Jun05 --- Daniel (27, m), Stuttgart --- "auf jeden fall sehr sehr cooles riddle"

(28) 04Jun05 --- Melanie (16, f), Belgium

(29) 04Jun05 --- klingeling, www.avalus.de --- "Hm, hoffentlich stolpere ich nie wieder über solch ein Rätsel. *gg* ...tut meinen Nerven nämlich nicht gut! :-) Die Idee ist aber super, nur ein paar sachen sind für mich einfach zu hart. und 3 oder 4 lösungen verstehe ich jetzt noch nicht mal. *g*

(30) 04Jun05 --- Niek Vermandere

(31) 04Jun05 --- Björn Feyler (21, m), Coburg, Germany --- "Thanks for this great riddle. It took quite a long time, but it was very much fun!"

(32) 04Jun05 --- Tari (25, f), Düsseldorf --- "Krischan ist ein Looser! Wir sind die BESTEN! "Alles was du kannst, kann ich noch viel besseeeeeer" Gorgi und Tari. Greez to da FC"

(33) 05Jun05 --- Bart Beckett (24, m), Vienna --- "Great game but sometimes really, really tough."

(34) 05Jun05 --- Todd (29, m), Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada --- "Wonderful Game!! Thanks!!"

(35) 05Jun05 --- GermanUK (27, m), UK --- "Bloody hell. Once you start, you can't stop. I'm addicted to this stuff now. I want more! Or do I? Better not. Thanks anyway. Great fun. Vielen Dank."

(36) 05Jun05 --- Timo (24, m), Stuttgart / Germany --- "all your base are belong to us"

(37) 05Jun05 --- profu (26), Germany --- "THX for the last 4days!"

(38) 05Jun05 --- baff (21, m), Germany --- "Really nice riddle, needed a lot of sweat and tears :-)"

(39) 05Jun05 --- biotonne (30, m), Germany --- "super riddle....i want more *singsing*"

(40) 05Jun05 --- Kanne (24, m), Germanien --- "very nice riddle.... please go on and make another, just as the title implies..."

(41) 06Jun05 --- Steffen W (20, m), Heidelberg --- "danke für das geniale riddle.... wie lange hast du gebraucht um das zu erstellen?"

(42) 06Jun05 --- Caipiranha (31, m), Weingarten --- "Hurra geschafft! Auch wenns teilweie sehr hart war und ich manches nicht ganz kapiert habe... hat´s viel spaß gemacht... und ich hab sogar noch einiges dazu gelernt..."

(43) 06Jun05 --- Kyle Wedgwood (aka Kyrry) (17, m), Hull, England --- "That ruled Gaucho. Am eagerly awaiting additional levels. Have to say once u get past 50 its an uphill stuggle. Well done for making an ace riddle, and thanks very much for keeping me awake til past 2 in the morning!!!"

(44) 06Jun05 --- Henry (36, m), Nottingham --- "great ridle - kept me entertained and frustrated for days - cant wait for more levels"

(45) 06Jun05 --- Lilt (18, f), UK --- "Had a great time doing this riddle! Really got me thinking. Thanks for this"

(46) 06Jun05 --- MrBiffo2003 --- "Those crazy Germans!"

(47) 06Jun05 --- Cameron Rice (16, m), Calgary, Alberta --- "I played this game from 7 in the morning to 8 at night and I gotta say it was one helluva game, I was very excited to finaly finish and had a great time, thanks for the time passer!"

(48) 06Jun05 --- Dustyn (15, m), Edmonton, Canada --- "w00t, Go Team Nexopia!!"

(49) 06Jun05 --- Nicole (16, f), Langley --- "This was gay. The end."

(50) 06Jun05 --- Amber (17, f), Canada --- "that was the longest biggest waste of time ever. but i did it all so i guess i wont complain"

(51) 06Jun05 --- Quinn Johnson --- "BEST 6 HOURS EVER."

(52) 06Jun05 --- April Miller (15, f), Canada --- "wow what a quiz. gj NEXOPIA.com USERS!! yeaaah crazy german forums"

(53) 06Jun05 --- Michelle (16, f), Canada, eh? --- "Sweet game. Bloody amazing."

(54) 06Jun05 --- Stephen (15, m), British Columbia, Canada --- "fun game, was entertaining"

(55) 06Jun05 --- Dayne (19, m), Calgary, Alberta, Canada --- "ME AND THE NEXPOPIA KREW PWND THIS RIDDLE!"

(56) 06Jun05 --- Staci (15, f), Calgary, Canada --- "wow!"

(57) 06Jun05 --- Maggie (15, f), Vancouver, Canada --- "FINALLY! AH"

(58) 06Jun05 --- Dhont Dominique (30, f), Belgium --- "phew... great riddle... my complements to the maker of it"

(59) 06Jun05 --- yuma (21, f), Netherlands

(60) 06Jun05 --- Nikki (20, f), Edmonton --- "Awesome riddle game!"

(61) 06Jun05 --- Pietje Puk (99, mf), In het hol --- "too easy, where's the challenge?"

(62) 06Jun05 --- Niko (21, m), Ulm, Germany --- "very nice but at the end the riddles are to irresolute!"

(63) 06Jun05 --- Bodo (28, m), Ostfriesland --- "Great Game ;)"

(64) 06Jun05 --- Döbber (33, m), Emden --- "Good riddle"

(65) 06Jun05 --- David Dickinson (18, m), York/Hull, England --- "Excellent riddle, hope theres more levels soon"

(66) 06Jun05 --- bbessen

(67) 06Jun05 --- Lars-Peter Lorenzen (30, m), North Germany near Hamburg --- "One very dam good Quiz with many things to think about --- somtimes a little bit round the corner but great... I wait 4 your Mails Tina, Helge, Frank, Florian,Anj"

(68) 07Jun05 --- Marcel Dalvoorde

(69) 07Jun05 --- Stephen Jones (23, m), Exeter --- "My brain hurts! Do not attempt this in the middle of an exam period!"

(70) 07Jun05 --- Martinistam (19+, both), Holland

(71) 07Jun05 --- JeeWee (25, m), Netherlands --- "great game!"

(72) 07Jun05 --- Roenoe & Tom (34, m), Cologne --- "Congratulations & thanks! One of the best riddels i know. Please make next 60 Level!"

(73) 07Jun05 --- Bart Libert (21, m), Ghent (Belgium) --- "Fun, but the last levels were really hard."

(74) 07Jun05 --- Dave H (20, m), Exeter, UK --- "Wooo! Finally did it! I've learnt so much! Never give up! Keep going to the end. Don't cheat. Awesome!!!"

(75) 07Jun05 --- Heinrich (21, m), Germany --- "it was hard ;)"

(76) 08Jun05 --- lorenzen (30, m), Hamburg --- "here i am"

(77) 08Jun05 --- Ben Dover (59, m), Ann Arbor Mi. Moscow on the Huron --- "Thank you weeman, fairy, ...Ah hell, if I thanked everyone I would run out of characters. Thanks especially to Gaucho, who has stolen so many hours from what life I have left, (heh!) One of the best riddles I've run across.MORE!!!!!!. Just an aside. Newbies kind of spoiled things towards the end with "hints" that were WAY too obvious. tsk, tsk."

(78) 08Jun05 --- Tim Robert --- "Wow thats 3 days of my life gone, thnx guys for the challenge"

(79) 08Jun05 --- Otterchick (35, f), Toledo, OH

(80) 08Jun05 --- Kelsey (15, f), Alberta --- "flip that was harddd"

(81) 08Jun05 --- Christy McKay (19, f), Kelowna, BC, Canada --- "SAWEET!"

(82) 08Jun05 --- Sascha (29, m), Munich --- "Good Craic!!! :-))"

(83) 08Jun05 --- Stephen Woodhouse (20, m), The Netherlands --- "Nice puzzle"

(84) 08Jun05 --- Michael Korte (31, m), Dortmund (Germany) --- "wow - nice and hard!!! some riddles i just could solve by using a forum with good hints!"

(85) 08Jun05 --- betamonkey (29, m), Ireland --- "my brain hurts!"

(86) 09Jun05 --- Tina (19, f), Hamburg --- "Ich hab´s eeeeeendlich geschafft (wenn auch mit einbißchen Hilfe *g*)"

(87) 09Jun05 --- Owyn (23, m), Darmstadt, Germany --- "Wow. Some levels are extremely hard... great job!"

(88) 09Jun05 --- Sandra Grimm (21, f), Heidelberg/Germany --- "thanks for this great riddle, I've spent days and nights to solve it and it was great fun to solve together with others... there were some real hard things and it took me a long time to get any hint, but it was great to solve the next one and get on to the end"

(89) 09Jun05 --- Thorsten (31, m), Frankfurt

(90) 09Jun05 --- Steffi (29, f), Heidelberg, Germany --- "BTW, great quiz!! I had lots of fun :-)"

(91) 09Jun05 --- Carry (32, f), Germany --- "Endlich geschafft, dieses Rätsel ist für einige graue Haare verantwortlich und viele schlaflose Nächte, aber es hat riesig Spaß gemacht. Kompliment!"

(92) 09Jun05 --- Jules (36, m), Cornwall, England --- "Great riddle, but a few too many hacker references! It was hard enough to work out Level 58, without then having to 'translate' is to a hacker 'w0rd'! Also, a more language friendly version of the software needed to crack Level 59 would have been helpful! I would certainly enjoy doing a few more levels! Cheers, Jules"

(93) 09Jun05 --- ushon (16, m), Berlin /fr-hain --- "hiho. hall of fame :)"

(94) 10Jun05 --- Victoria O (18, f), Canada --- "AHHHHHHHHHHH I'm done!!"

(95) 10Jun05 --- bibir (26, f) --- "nice game"

(96) 10Jun05 --- Paulinchen (23, f), D --- "Verdammt schwer!"

(97) 10Jun05 --- Maria Yesayan (19, f), Berkeley/Burbank, CA --- "Finally done! Took a week out of my life, but it feels great to be done. So proud!"

(98) 10Jun05 --- Flood (31, m), Hannover, Germany --- "Das hat Spass gemacht. Danke. :)"

(99) 10Jun05 --- mav (RLFANS) (29, m), London, UK --- "Was very interesting, managed to keep me going until the end. A few more hints would have been nice, mind, and I did not like the level (28) that could not be completed unless you use Windows as I have a Mac. (Also need someone to do the s************ for me too)."

(100) 10Jun05 --- milad d (19, m), Berkeley --- "just awesome!"

(101) 10Jun05 --- Bart Van Loo (21, m), Belgium --- "Superb! Greatest riddle ever!"

(102) 10Jun05 --- Winnie "the sleep deprived" Bui (19, m), Berkeley, CA --- "Feckin tough! My eyes hurt...Worst thing about this is that you near the end and all of a sudden you find two more riddle games just like it. At this rate im dropping out of school. But I really feel like I gained something out of it. Great game!!!"

(103) 11Jun05 --- Adam Tucker (25, m), Warren, MI (USA) --- "You should have links to programs that can do the s************ decoding (hide in the source code of s***********.htm if you like), the only one I could find was in German. Also were there anymore hints as to what was encoded in the b****** ( I just randomly encoded stuff in various types of b****** encoding until I found something that looked similar, and worked my way from there) if there were any more hints or clues as to what was encoded, and how it was encoded, would you let me know, please. I probably had other questions, but since I've spent the bulk of my time most recently on those two those are the only ones I can think of for now. Very entertaining and maddening game though."

(104) 11Jun05 --- Yua Ca Van (30, m), Coralville, Ia --- "This was really fun! More levels, please!"

(105) 11Jun05 --- Kalamity (old enough, f), South Florida --- "Great riddle Gaucho! Lots of challenges... Can't believe how totally frustrating it was at times and then how incredibly rewarding it was. Humiliation and triumph... back and forth! Like I said amazing job. Keep it going! Thanks!"

(106) 11Jun05 --- scottie (f), Thailand

(107) 12Jun05 --- mike lee (19, m), California --- "nice. periodically the pictures dont show but otherwise.. nice."

(108) 12Jun05 --- beddie (f), Deutschland/Germany --- "prima rätsel! für mich alleine unlösbar. einige level waren auch für mich ok, aber beispielsweise alles was mit kryptographie zu tun hat ist nix für mich, da kenn ich mich einfach nicht aus;) aber man hatte ja hilfe;) - und trotzdem waren für mich bei einigen levels die lösungen noch immer spanische dörfer....;)"

(109) 13Jun05 --- Chris Lomas (25, m), Durham --- "at last! Now I can do some work!"

(110) 13Jun05 --- Paul Pavlou (26, m), UK --- "I really enjoyed the riddle (although it did consume FAR too much of my time, but that's my problem not yours!). Keep up the good work!"

(111) 14Jun05 --- Brian The Beamer-GeNeTix (17, m), Edmonton hizzle --- "soooooo random. some people have a lot of time on their hands. tough stuff though. kills time well."

(112) 14Jun05 --- bois

(113) 14Jun05 --- Ben Richie (27, m), Houston, Texas --- "Thanks to Phillip Saldivar."

(114) 15Jun05 --- Ben Melitz (20, m), Michigan, USA

(115) 15Jun05 --- Markus Zocholl (28, m), South-Germany --- "Cool riddle. But not as easy, I've thought at the beginning ;-)"

(116) 16Jun05 --- Psycho Baastard Creating This Puzzle (23, m), Looney Bin

(117) 18Jun05 --- Mike Turner

(118) 19Jun05 --- TommyRevs (22, m), Durham, UK --- "What's the music all about???"

(119) 19Jun05 --- Tracy Hyman (22, f), Durham --- "crazy"

(120) 20Jun05 --- Mich (41, f)

(121) 20Jun05 --- David Court (32, m), Edinburgh --- "Great riddle, can't wait for the next levels!"

(122) 20Jun05 --- Phil Newsom (19, m), Hull, Yorkshire, England --- "Took me 2 weeks to complete... but I did it!!!!"

(123) 21Jun05 --- Meredith (21, f), New Zealand --- "Took me hours but I got to the end! My brain hurts......."

(124) 21Jun05 --- NewTown (35, m), Belgium --- "nice one ;o)"

(125) 22Jun05 --- theflatboy (24, m), London --- "er... wasn't i supposed to be working?!"

(126) 24Jun05 --- AchimX (m), Germany

(127) 25Jun05 --- Dan (18, m), Luzern, Schweiz --- "Hat Spass gemacht und ein paar schlaflose Nächte gekostet! Immer nur her mit neuen Levels =)"

(128) 25Jun05 --- Corinna Henning (21, f), Konstanz --- "mehr...!"

(129) 26Jun05 --- Udo (40, m), Germany --- "thanks"

(130) 27Jun05 --- Yul (29, f), Aachen/Germany --- "Danke für ein klasse Rätsel - aber für mich ist jetzt Scluss ;-))"

(131) 27Jun05 --- Avi (30, m), India --- "Fantastic Riddle. Give us more please..."

(132) 27Jun05 --- Nadine Walter (29, f), Germany, 25845 Nordstrand --- "AAARGH!mehr als 2/3 der Lösungen musste ich mir mühselig aus verschieden Foren zusammensuchen :X Glückwunsch auch an den "Erfinder", er hat mir stundenlanges Kopfzerbrechen und Staunen beschert. Manche Lösungswege sind mir echt zu krass gewesen."

(133) 28Jun05 --- Carlo (26, m), Canada --- "best riddle..ever!"

(134) 28Jun05 --- Jatupon Pattanavichate (25, m), Bangkok, Thailand --- "I love this game."

(135) 28Jun05 --- Matthias (34, m), Darmstadt

(136) 28Jun05 --- René Mulder (20, m), Utrecht, The Netherlands --- "Very nice! had loads of fun, but had to check for hints a few times because it was just too tough for me!"

(137) 28Jun05 --- de communiceerbeer (5, m), Holland --- "(y)"

(138) 30Jun05 --- Edo Haveman (21, m), Utrecht --- "Nice riddle"

(139) 01Jul05 --- PlutotSec (18, m), Canada --- "Yay finished part 1 at last! Cool riddle! Tommy is an idiot and thanks to him by the way (even though he's still an idiot -.-) Thx! and great riddle"

(140) 02Jul05 --- Sara (24, f), UK --- "Eeevil!!!"

(141) 04Jul05 --- Wee Man (40, m), Scotland --- "Brilliant riddle, very well made. Really did plod through this one. Thanks Gaucho, for the frustrations and the pleasure... :)"

(142) 06Jul05 --- Greg Thomson (23, m), USA

(143) 06Jul05 --- Willy Meerschaert

(144) 06Jul05 --- paul harper (21, m), Aberdeen

(145) 08Jul05 --- Kami McLeod (21, f), Canberra, Australia --- "Entirely too addictive. I now need MORE!"

(146) 08Jul05 --- Fell (was 53 now 102, m), London --- "Phew !!!"

(147) 08Jul05 --- Samantha Straus (18, f), Brooklyn, NY, USA

(148) 09Jul05 --- florian (22, m), Germany

(149) 10Jul05 --- Marlany (22, I'm a girl! ^_^), Brazil --- "Awn... It is amazing how most the programs used to decipher some levels seem to never work with me _ . You choose the German ones on purpose, right? You evil bastard! >:( You are going to hell; all demons speak Portuguese there. And I'll laugh. (^_^ tee-hee!) Oh yeah, I almost forgot: keep the good job! ;) "

(150) 11Jul05 --- JewelChan Wu (;), f), Thailand --- "This is crazy~~~"

(151) 11Jul05 --- Ingue & Wobble (17, f&m), Netherlands --- "Niiiice riddle! Well done, and we're going to tackle part II.."

(152) 13Jul05 --- D Shumate --- "man I love the game so far and as soon as I get some money to donate, you can bet I will.!! again thanks for the riddle so far to keep our minds occupied"

(153) 14Jul05 --- Wayfarer (m), Bedfordshire, England --- "Really good and varied riddle! Fine job! My only quibble really was the last level - I feel you either need to use a 24bit file so the freeware stuff works or have a link to the right prog in the source of the egg. IE is also no good for this level! But really good fun! - on to Part 2 :D"

(154) 16Jul05 --- Ruel (14, m), Canada --- "Great!"

(155) 18Jul05 --- GabySchnecke (50, f), Germany --- "super Rätsel!"

(156) 19Jul05 --- Marleen van Wolferen --- "Super!! I really like riddles..."

(157) 20Jul05 --- Rudolf (28, m), bei Siebenlehn (Sachsen)

(158) 22Jul05 --- Nep2ne (29, f), Canada

(159) 22Jul05 --- Lennie Chu (29, f), Thailand --- "Fantastic! ..This is great! .. never use my brain so hard like this in my life."

(160) 22Jul05 --- Darkenergie, Kittie, Gogetyna, Mojorisin (19-29, f/m), Germany --- "life fast, die young - nice and very hard riddle"

(161) 22Jul05 --- Basin (21, m), Deutschland --- "nice game, often very hard, finished it nearly without help (2 Levels not :-()"

(162) 25Jul05 --- Jp (23, m), Germany --- "no sleep till 60"

(163) 25Jul05 --- Evony S. (29, f), USA --- "This was a lot of fun... my only suggestion would be that if you ever make future levels, it would be helpful if the programs required to complete some of them would work on a mac! great job, though... you are quite a genius :)"

(164) 25Jul05 --- Heather (34, f), Michigan

(165) 26Jul05 --- Cybermonkey (32, m), USA --- "Woohoo! Now onto #60."

(166) 26Jul05 --- Ted Graf (29, m), USA - Rhode Island --- "great jorb!"

(167) 25Jul05 --- MathGirl (34, f), U.S. --- "What a great riddle! Looking forward to part 2!"

(168) 28Jul05 --- Tim Mellor (24, m), England, Harrogate --- "cool riddles, nearly gave up at times but got there in the end, nice work"

(169) 30Jul05 --- Angrokor (19, m), Cartagena, Spain --- "I like your game...but some levels...I had to ask for help in several levels, but level 57, 58 and 59....aaagH I have to copy the answer from a webpage. Now I¡m playing level 65...this one is hard, I don't know what can I do with the icons I downloaded....well, see you on level 99, good-bye."

(170) 30Jul05 --- Tom (33, m), Colorado

(171) 30Jul05 --- scottyb (33, m), Grand Junction, CO

(172) 30Jul05 --- [SA] Maniac Miner (28, m), Newcastle NSW --- "Great Puzzles"

(173) 30Jul05 --- David Nie (18, m), Findlay --- "interesting"

(174) 30Jul05 --- Todd Giles (35, m), Park City, UT, USA --- "Well done, clever stuff!"

(175) 30Jul05 --- choco (22, m), Chicago --- "Well, that made the day go by."

(176) 30Jul05 --- Eric (16, m), New York City --- "whooo"

(177) 30Jul05 --- celeste_ (26, f), Portland, OR --- "great riddle! Can't wait to start Part 2!"

(178) 30Jul05 --- Efraim (22, m), Netherlands

(179) 30Jul05 --- Matt Harris (18, m), Bristol, United Kingdom --- "Awesome Riddles, some straightforward and some completely off the track but overall a good waste of the few hours we have here.... Thanks to the SA Goons, even though I'm not a member!"

(180) 30Jul05 --- Chris George (19, m), England --- "Some of these are scarily geeky, but it was a lot of fun. Thanks for the challenges!"

(181) 30Jul05 --- Thomas Allum (16, m), England

(182) 30Jul05 --- Brian (16, m), Pennsylvania --- "This riddle is awesome!"

(183) 30Jul05 --- SA_Casper (28, m), New York --- "Something Awful DOT Com!"

(184) 30Jul05 --- Tom Moyer (46, m), Hixson, TN, USA --- "Very obscure puzzles. I needed a lot of help."

(185) 30Jul05 --- Aleksandrov Dmitriov (16, m), Svobodnyy, Russia

(186) 31Jul05 --- Joshua Marx

(187) 31Jul05 --- qsvui (42, m), Earth --- "glaarg"

(188) 31Jul05 --- Jack Zhou (16, m), San Francisco --- "w0000000000000000000000000t! go SOMETHINGAWFULDOTCOM"

(189) 31Jul05 --- David Riemenschneider (25, m), Atlanta, GA

(190) 31Jul05 --- Dale (39, m), Australia

(191) 31Jul05 --- B.Kifft (23, m), Drai-im-Lebkoung City, Germany --- "man, you stole quite a few hours of my life ;) two thumbs up, and keep up the good work"

(192) 31Jul05 --- Mychal Stanley (17, m), Atlanta --- "The Wishi-San can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste goooooood. Yay Unfiction!"

(193) 31Jul05 --- Master Cheese (18, m), England --- "Teh brilliance! Amazing puzzle dude, last 2 really had us at Unfiction stumped, for the most part."

(194) 31Jul05 --- Ehsan (25, m), Bahrain --- "Great stuff. Really enjoyed it and looking forward to more."

(195) 31Jul05 --- Joshua Marx

(196) 31Jul05 --- Arnd (22, m), Germany --- "Great game but I would not have been able to solve the riddle without my gf's help :-) I didn't like that some software was necessary for solving two or three of the tasks."

(197) 31Jul05 --- Yogi45 (f) --- "Cool Riddle! Great Fun & loads of interesting info along the way! : )"

(198) 31Jul05 --- Steve (22, m), Boise

(199) 01Aug05 --- James (15, m), MD --- "let me past to next part GAH"

(200) 01Aug05 --- meddle9 (24, m), US --- "cool game"

(201) 01Aug05 --- Dustyn (15, m), Edmonton --- "w00t, Go Team Nexopia!!"

(202) 01Aug05 --- Cody (21, f), AZ

(203) 01Aug05 --- Billy Cardwell (28, m), Nortonville, Ky

(204) 01Aug05 --- James Stanier (19, m), London

(205) 01Aug05 --- El Frederick (32, m), Colorado --- "loved it!"

(206) 01Aug05 --- Sparkpea (22, m), Lisburn, Northern Ireland --- "OMG YES :D"

(207) 01Aug05 --- Georgia_gr (f), Greece

(208) 02Aug05 --- Corey

(209) 02Aug05 --- occultatio (20, m), Cambridge

(210) 02Aug05 --- FuzzDuckie (40, m), North Carolina --- "Whooooo on to part 2. Great Riddles but the Math ones KILLED me. And please...no more downloadable programs in german!"

(211) 02Aug05 --- uli (29), Berlin --- "Real nice. Great Work. Hat a lot of fun and hadaches... Thanks a lot."

(212) 02Aug05 --- Mikolaj (29, m), Warszawa --- "Excellent game! Congratulations!"

(213) 02Aug05 --- Anke Riemer (23, f), Chemnitz

(214) 02Aug05 --- tere

(215) 02Aug05 --- Maria (21, f), Germany --- "cool"

(216) 02Aug05 --- Patrick Wielders (25, m), The Netherlands --- "I really like the riddles and i hope ican do a lot more of these riddles."

(217) 02Aug05 --- kerry (24, f), Harrogate, England

(218) 03Aug05 --- Ikrsty (f), Hawaii

(219) 03Aug05 --- Nick Hamden (16, m), Elizabeth City, NC --- "My head hurts so much..."

(220) 03Aug05 --- Jason (30, m), Atlanta

(221) 03Aug05 --- Mike Briggs (18, m), Scotland --- "^^"

(222) 03Aug05 --- Nicole (23, f), Missouri, USA --- "Thanks! Well done riddle!"

(223) 03Aug05 --- Music Angel (28, f), Ohio, USA

(224) 03Aug05 --- Ayam Beamonte (25, m), Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico --- "This is just what my brain needed after so much tv and videogames :) Sapthan"

(225) 03Aug05 --- Lee Dempsey (35, m), England --- "phew !! ..... and now for the next bit :0)"

(226) 04Aug05 --- Tony Matthews --- "wow"

(227) 04Aug05 --- April Miller (15, f), Canada --- "holy hell what a waste of a day"

(228) 05Aug05 --- Stevefah (58, m), Vancouver, BC, Canada --- "This was hard. But fun."

(229) 05Aug05 --- Sara (30, f), España

(230) 07Aug05 --- Cheesy (25), Vienna

(231) 07Aug05 --- Rekr (33), Nashville, TN, USA --- "Excellent riddle.. Really pushed the limits of my sanity.. Can't wait to start on part 2..."

(232) 08Aug05 --- Veryhardgame (17, m), Minnesota --- "Awesome game!"

(233) 08Aug05 --- Mike Ferris

(234) 08Aug05 --- Metal Massacre (18, m), Ontario, California --- "Spectacular batch of riddles, I had a lot of trouble on these last 5 or so, but was able to get through."

(235) 09Aug05 --- Neil Bowron (25, m), Norwich --- "Great riddle"

(236) 09Aug05 --- House (25), Norfolk

(237) 09Aug05 --- Bradley McGill (29, m), Sydney --- "Wow... there are some serios leaps you need to take to solve some of those puzzles, thank goodness for the hints in the forums."

(238) 09Aug05 --- Lisa, USA --- "You are a genius Gaucho! I needed a LOT of help to complete the last ten levels! Looking forward to numero dos!"

(239) 09Aug05 --- Will Jones (36, m), Ogden, Utah --- "Sweet puzzles/Riddles and fun!"

(240) 09Aug05 --- Wizster (22, m), UK

(241) 09Aug05 --- Mark Simon (43, m), Madison, WI, USA --- "Awesome riddle! It was tough but I did it! Whew! Excellent job!"

(242) 10Aug05 --- Grueinthedark (way too old, m), USA

(243) 10Aug05 --- Brenden Sachs (16, m), Portland, OR --- "Excellent riddle! Very fun and fulfilling."

(244) 10Aug05 --- Paul Dowdell

(245) 11Aug05 --- Gabriela (25, f), Argentina --- "very difficult"

(246) 12Aug05 --- Daniel Lepine (24, m), Ottawa --- "Amazing."

(247) 12Aug05 --- Roger Duchene (34, m), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada --- "Great puzzle, best I've racked my brain on in a long time."

(248) 12Aug05 --- Moyo (23, m), Las Palmas

(249) 12Aug05 --- Stm (25, m), BRD --- "nice game ;-)"

(250) 12Aug05 --- J0t420 (29, m), Home

(251) 13Aug05 --- Billy Stiles (53, m), USA --- "Whew! This was a major accomplishment for me, as my geekness level is probably a lot lower than anyone else who has made it this far. But, it sure is fun. Thanks for creating it."

(252) 13Aug05 --- zephee (28, f), Australia --- "Woohoo!"

(253) 13Aug05 --- Dennis S. (23, m), The Netherlands --- "No More Levels!! AAAAAAAH!"

(254) 14Aug05 --- Jeremiah Kyle (27, m), Oregon, USA --- "This is probably the best waste of time I've ever found. I've learned history, new technologies, and many lessons about paying attention to detail. This was definitely worth the effort! On to JAOR2!"

(255) 15Aug05 --- Sam Jarvis (18, m), UK --- ":)"

(256) 15Aug05 --- Elaine (27, f), USA --- "WOOHOO!!!"

(257) 16Aug05 --- Momof2boyz (27, f), Texas

(258) 16Aug05 --- Jefe (24, m), United States --- "Nice riddle. Sure helped pass the time at work"

(259) 17Aug05 --- Michelle (32, f), Raleigh, North Carolina --- "Great challenge. Definately got the brain cells working overtime. Words of wisdom: "Use the FORUMS, Luke!" They are invaluable!"

(260) 17Aug05 --- Tash Searle (23, f), England --- "A great way to pass the time while on Maternity Leave!"

(261) 20Aug05 --- jill jenkins (48, f), Texas --- "with a lot of help from my friends."

(262) 23Aug05 --- Per Østrup (62, m), Denmark

(263) 23Aug05 --- Margaret Burcky (44, f), Kansas --- "Wow!!!!! Can't believe I did it....."

(264) 27Aug05 --- Jonas aka Bliss (21, m), Västerås, Sweden --- "great riddle, no on to 61!"

(265) 01Sep05 --- Terence martin (24, m), Dublin --- "Brilliant! :)"

(266) 02Sep05 --- Alejandra D (32, f), Canada --- "awesome riddle. tho it was slightly too addictive;)"

(267) 02Sep05 --- Jacob Keuning (16, f), The Netherlands --- "dam it was a hard riddle, but i finally solved it!"

(268) 03Sep05 --- Scott Winslow (32, m), USA --- "I completed level 60!"

(269) 06Sep05 --- Richard Holm (22, m), Stockholm --- "Jag vann över Pingu!"

(270) 08Sep05 --- Fulung (28, m), Thailand --- "Very Funny."

(271) 08Sep05 --- Mario Kemper (36, m), Germany

(272) 08Sep05 --- Kathrin (33, f), Paderborn

(273) 08Sep05 --- GoldStubb! (26, m), Minneapolis --- "This game was great! Had to use a lot of help, but it was very fun to do! Thank you!!!"

(274) 09Sep05 --- Dave Mitchell (33, m), Vancouver, Canada --- "Awsome puzzels"

(275) 11Sep05 --- elia sunshine (16, f), Las Palmas, Spain --- "very nice game!"

(276) 13Sep05 --- Robin Giller (24, m), Ireland --- "Good puzzle but some of the riddles were a bit tenuous"

(277) 13Sep05 --- Tigger (44, m), North Carolina, USA --- "Great fun and quite addictive. I have no idea how anybody could solve the whole thing without help from the forums."

(278) 13Sep05 --- Tekkel (19, m), Delft --- "Heeeersche!!!!"

(279) 14Sep05 --- Anthony Milnes (22, m), York

(280) 15Sep05 --- Orin Harris and Sarah Croft (23, m/f), Human --- "Your game was too easy"

(281) 16Sep05 --- Shylilembrace (16, f), West Virginia --- "challenging."

(282) 18Sep05 --- Rob Kelly, TN, USA

(283) 18Sep05 --- Liam Dobson (23, m), Hudderfield, UK

(284) 18Sep05 --- Dark Reborn (20, m), Germany

(285) 20Sep05 --- Matt Barton (25, m), Sydney, Australia --- "congratulations on creating an awesome game!"

(286) 22Sep05 --- Chris (26, m), uk

(287) 23Sep05 --- abacab (35, f), near stuggi --- "funny, mostly ;)"

(288) 27Sep05 --- Natalia (28, f), Spain

(289) 01Oct05 --- JLB (26, f), America

(290) 06Oct05 --- German (24, m), Argentina --- "Excelent game!!! I want more!!!"

(291) 10Oct05 --- Monica Maria Andrea H. (23, f), Raleigh, North Carolina --- "This is truly one of the most annoying/fun/frustrating/enjoyable things I've been able to do in order to distract myself from doing any real work."

(292) 15Oct05 --- Neil Churchill (29, m), London / via Liverpool --- "Cheers for that. A good laugh!"

(293) 18Oct05 --- Heidi B (33, f), Houston, TX, USA

(294) 25Oct05 --- Fessie Utreg (27, m), Netherlands --- "Kewl game"

(295) 07Nov05 --- Thiago & Bete (23&50, m&f), Santos, SP, Brazil --- "it was dificult but we'v done!!!!"

(296) 12Nov05 --- Braindead (36, m), London

(297) 11Dec05 --- Lily Jax (26, f), Pennsylvania, USA --- "Awesome riddle...had a blast doing it and looking forward to the second half."

(298) 16Dec05 --- DRose (16, f), Melbourne --- ":D"

(299) 20Dec05 --- npfan (13, m), HKSAR --- "cool game"

(300) 21Dec05 --- Lawrence Wang (13, m), HKSAR --- "Hall of Fame, here I come!"

(301) 26Dec05 --- Carla (39, f), UK

(302) 02Jan06 --- GEMINIkitty (30, f), Hampshire, UK --- "great riddle, very good job..thank you"

(303) 04Jan06 --- Tosin and Tori (22/18, m/f), MA and Canada --- "woot! great riddles"

(304) 09Jan06 --- Kryptic, "[lljk]"

(305) 10Jan06 --- Lili (17, f), Belgium --- "B-E-A-utiful!"

(306) 12Jan06 --- Penny/Patrick S. --- "cool riddle, some of them were disgusting though it hurts the brain. Dan likes men"

(307) 14Jan06 --- Marian (27, f), Madrid, Spain

(308) 15Jan06 --- Thomas Kelly (16, m), England --- "Wow... never thought id actually finish that... that was great ^^, onto the next lot, hehe"

(309) 16Jan06 --- Alex (17, m), England --- "hey, this thing is pretty cool, addictive as, gotta credit pat mainly for me finnishing this, (pat is GAY)"

(310) 17Jan06 --- scrull (24, m), Graz, Austria --- "Nice riddle! Danke schoen :)"

(311) 28Jan06 --- Kanizer (34, m), Indiana, United States --- "cool! I love it!"

(312) 29Jan06 --- Dorothea (23, f) --- "Last 10 levels were awful! I'm a complete and utter beginner as to what concerns computers! But by now, I learned a lot!!!"

(313) 01Feb06 --- Ben Styles (16, m), Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England --- "I'm addicted! thanks for brightening up my school lunchtimes!"

(314) 01Feb06 --- Mark Morphew --- "Brilliant stuff!! Got me addicted!"

(315) 09Feb06 --- Mätzen (20, m), Hörbranz --- "eieiei ... so viel abalada kann gar nix ;-P"

(315) 14Feb06 --- blue23 (38, f), München

(316) 16Feb06 --- Susanne (26, f), Vienna --- "oh my, what a ride!"

(317) 16Feb06 --- harry goldfarb and papemoe

(318) 17Feb06 --- Martin Bellgardt (15, m), Düren, Germany --- "Yes, I've made it!"

(319) 23Feb06 --- Max Meduna (20, m), Vienna, Austria --- "Well well... :)"

(320) 03Mar06 --- Jake (17, m), Utah, USA --- "Cool, a little hard for those who have lacking computer skills, but good."

(321) 09Mar06 --- Mauro DiMano (41, m)

(322) 09Mar06 --- Daniel Ziemkiewicz (m), Ottawa, Ontario --- "I really like how this riddle, as opposed to other ones online, actually brings you to research things that are interesting and you learn from doing it, great JOB!!!"

(323) 10Mar06 --- Margaret (45, f), Kansas

(324) 12Mar06 --- mams (57, f), Netherlands --- "more more more ....."

(325) 20Mar06 --- Su (>21, f), Surrey, England --- "Really enjoyed the riddle. Only 2nd ever completed. Needed a lot of help and the forums were brilliant. Found level 50 up FAR TOO lateral, and needed LOADS of help!!! Totally addicted now"

(326) 20Mar06 --- Rodney Davio (25, m), Nebraska --- "this was a fun riddle, completing the KCR helped me out, i solved the first 59 in one evening"

(327) 28Mar06 --- Adam Baczewski (28, m), Holborn --- "WOO HOO"

(328) 28Mar06 --- Jeremy Rogers (31, m), London

(329) 03Apr06 --- NoNick (27, m), Berlin --- "part 2??"

(330) 03Apr06 --- Felix (18, m), Selb, Germany --- "the last levels were so f*cking f*ck FU*K f*ucked"

(331) 04Apr06 --- tuddem (19, m), Germany

(332) 13Apr06 --- nat_blue (33, f)

(333) 21Apr06 --- Elastic Onion (14, m), USA --- "Great riddle... a YEAR of fun!"

(334) 21Apr06 --- Valerie (52, f), USA --- "Great riddle!"

(335) 10May06 --- Gerrit (19, m), Germany --- "Very interessting game ... i enjoy it ,some levels are very difficult ^^"

(336) 19May06 --- Jennifer (15, f), Puerto Rico --- "My first solved riddle!"

(337) 21May06 --- Zagee (25, m), Poland --- "I felt the feelings no one ever has, bartender, pour me a glass!"

(338) 28May06 --- Drakun (16, m), Wroclaw, Poland --- "nice one ;) http://zestriddle.fanzine.pl - spread the madness."

(339) 31May06 --- Ka Ki Yip --- "Woohoo an excellent riddle with a lot of fun, great work hon!"

(340) 04Jun06 --- Schopentier (22, m), Ratingen --- "Verdammte Axt, viel gelernt bei dem Mist, die Zeit will ich wieder ;)"

(341) 09Jun06 --- thehammer (2-45, Sex:"No, thank you"), US

(342) 20Jun06 --- Gethellost (14, m), Denmark --- "Woah... This was awesome! Some of the stuff was hard as hell, while other stuff was easy as ****! Great job. Good riddle."

(343) 21Jun06 --- Citadel712 (23, m), California, USA --- "Hello IGN. I beat you. [face_mischief] Vesti > All"

(344) 22Jun06 --- AliceInDilbertland (30, f), USA

(345) 22Jun06 --- Terence Martin 2 (25, m), Camden --- "Redoing this to see if i could, man, its hard."

(346) 23Jun06 --- Michael Tickner (21, m), Amarillo, Tx --- "YES!!!!!!!"

(347) 23Jun06 --- Couch (T.C.) (15, m), Canada --- "Bloody hard game. Shout outs to netCoders.be, ecDownloads.com, and Teh Vesti"

(348) 26Jun06 --- G. Cartenian (3<, m), UK --- "Thanks for a good week's distraction ;)"

(349) 26Jun06 --- Brian & Maureen (25, m/f), Maryland, USA --- "Awesome puzzle, I enjoyed it alot."

(350) 28Jun06 --- Shawn Stroup (f) --- "Awesome game!"

(351) 03Jul06 --- Kevin (24, m), Massachusetts --- "Tough puzzle, very time consuming."

(352) 03Jul06 --- Vinny Papia (22, m), Massachusetts --- "Lost of fun!"

(353) 12Jul06 --- Ryan Colpitts (17, m), Hillsborough, New Brunswick, Canada --- "thank you for an amazing time....i wasted a whole month of my life...but it was worth it (58 was the hardest)"

(354) 14Jul06 --- cindy (35, f), USA

(355) 15Jul06 --- Jin Klay (14, m), Eggtopia --- "I thank ye egg gods for getting me this far."

(356) 17Jul06 --- Aaron (16, m), Lee's Summit, MO --- "Yay, I finally made it. :)"

(357) 24Jul06 --- iostessa (32, f), Italy --- "Beautiful riddle! I just ejoyed it! Very good work:-)"

(358) 25Jul06 --- OldSkoolZ (30), USA --- "Phyres Pub !!"

(359) 25Jul06 --- Tony (35, m), Wisconsin

(360) 25Jul06 --- Ajislm (22, f), Tucson

(361) 25Jul06 --- C LeFever (33, f), Minnesota, USA --- "Yay!"

(362) 26Jul06 --- josh (14, m), USA --- "vey hard, had some hints"

(363) 01Aug06 --- GWeb (41, m), IL

(364) 04Aug06 --- John Duffy (23, m), MA, USA --- "great game. I can't wait to finish Level II."

(365) 08Aug06 --- sarah (49, f), Germany --- "what?? can't believe what i see - "You solved the riddle. Tataaa!" *lol* i enjoyed it as much as i cursed it at times! :) but anyway, i had a great time, learned much and that's worth a big THANK YOU!"

(366) 09Aug06 --- Dagmar Luig (41, f), Germany --- "Hurra"

(367) 20Aug06 --- Igloo (28, m), France

(368) 25Aug06 --- Alexander Kaufmann (15, m), Buffalo, NY, USA --- "My head hurts"

(369) 30Aug06 --- David M. (DavidRox321) (14, m), Canada --- "W00t! Me and my g/f are awesome at riddles I suppose. :P Now onto part two. ;o"

(370) 15Sep06 --- RubbrDukyVoodoo (17, m), USA --- "man that was hard...but man that was awesome"

(371) 26Sep06 --- Cuthbert (29, m), Italy --- "Nice riddle..but it is very annoyng deal with german (or not english) programs!!"

(372) 27Sep06 --- Wendy Park (36, f), PA

(373) 28Sep06 --- Mindaugas (32, m), Vilnius, Lithuania --- "This riddle was very interesting and the hard one. But we did it!"

(374) 09Oct06 --- Andrew Wright (18, m), Riverside Albert, NB --- "Good times"

(375) 03Nov06 --- Ami (22, f), Hong Kong --- "Funny!!~ Although spending lots of time^^"

(376) 14Nov06 --- Tess (Ancient, f), Norway --- "Great fun, frustrating, - have def. got more grey hairs than when I started. Totally illogical at times, but all in all I've had plenty of laughs"

(377) 24Nov06 --- Juha (25, m), Finland --- "great game can't wait to get further"

(378) 24Nov06 --- Paju (21, m), Finland --- "kiitosheeei"

(379) 03Dec06 --- Riitta, Finland

(380) 07Dec06 --- Federico Hermo (35, m), Buenos Aires, Argentina --- "Great Riddle! Now part two!"

(381) 12Dec06 --- Stacy (29, f), Roy, Utah, USA --- "That was a great riddle. I had a lot of fun!!!"

(382) 21Dec06 --- Maureen O'Connell (23, f), Cambridge, MA

(383) 06Jan07 --- Barbara (60, f), Texas --- "Loved this riddle until I got to the last 6 or so. They seemed very obscure."

(384) 18Jan07 --- Christopher-James (15, m), Canada --- "The riddle was so much fun, i enjoyed it alot. i will continue to work on part 2."

(385) 09Feb07 --- Snot3000 (27, m), Germany --- "Yippie"

(386) 26Feb07 --- Ryan Colpitts (17, m), hillsborough...yeah i'm "THAT" cool --- "leave the music out next time.....it ruins my AFI listening"

(387) 15Mar07 --- pansophy (f)

(388) 13Apr07 --- Carlos Pinzon (11, undefined), Somalia --- "just took me a couple days (10) hehe"

(389) 17Feb07 --- Gerard (17, m), New Jersey --- "Thank god for the forums"

(390) 18Feb07 --- Karyn (18, m), NJ --- "i loveee jaor!"

(391) 25Jun07 --- Malte (22, m), Dresden, Germany --- "it was too easy...:-) no it was not. i wanna thank god, my mother and mats for the cooperation...:-D and of course my university for the time ^^ have fun everyone!! Greetings from Germany"

(392) 03Jul07 --- Ryan Otero (27, m), Balad, Iraq --- "Thanks, good puzzle. Thanks for giving me something to do over here."

(393) 28Jul07 --- Eric (36, m), USA --- "Congratulations on an addictive game and thanks for any help you can give me to move on."

(394) 31Jul07 --- joanna (25, f), Montreal --- "cool! excellent game"

(395) 20Sep07 --- Chrizzl (21, m), Karlsruhe, Germany --- "ouh mann war das geil ^^ danke !!!"

(396) 28Sep07 --- Darth Icarus --- ":3 nice game!"

(397) 06Oct07 --- J. Miguel Martinez L., Mexico --- "Very harder game... i like it"

(398) 22Oct07 --- spice1, Virginia, USA --- "great fun... thanks!"

(399) 22Oct07 --- Marie, Australia --- "Really great levels and fresh ideas."

(400) 25Oct07 --- Aldrin (21, m), New Haven, CT --- "o.m.s.m.t."

(401) 25Oct07 --- Farid (21, m), New Haven --- "good stuff man"

(402) 10Nov07 --- Goda (40, f), Portugal --- "awesome riddle"

(403) 10Nov07 --- Lily5213 (51, f), Illinois, USA --- "i liked the riddle...great job"

(404) 15Nov07 --- CA Ronquillo (27, m), Philippines --- "Enjoyable puzzles. :)"

(405) 20Nov07 --- Abdelsalam Rashad (30, m), Egypt --- "Gaucho u r a genius.."

(406) 23Dec07 --- Hamilton (22, m), Germany --- "Very Nice Stuff, kept us pretty busy ;) on to the next parts ;)"

(407) 05Feb08 --- Mike (28, m), Chicago --- "HAI"

(408) 05Feb08 --- Mikhiel (27, m), IL

(409) 05Feb08 --- rich (28, m), Chicago, IL, US

(410) 10Feb08 --- danijela (30, f), Cro

(411) 10Feb08 --- dan best (33, m)

(412) 11Feb08 --- Mekki (23, m), Austria --- "great job gaucho!!!"

(413) 11Mar08 --- Wald (m), Belgium --- "Great riddle game !! That gave me a lot of hours of reflexion and fun. Good job Gaucho"

(414) 21Mar08 --- Pooja Manuja (24, f), India --- "The riddle was good."

(415) 14Apr08 --- Richard Medcraft (22, m), Manchester, UK

(416) 19Apr08 --- chakal (26, m), France --- "great game!"

(417) 16May08 --- Chad Stetson (17, m), Canada --- "Great riddle! OG FTW."

(418) 19May08 --- Breeson Francis (27, m), Chennai, India --- "Really Interesting..."

(419) 19May08 --- Anoop Chandran (27, m), India --- "Great one."

(420) 19May08 --- roshni (26, f), India --- "Gaucho is driving me nuts!!!"

(421) 23May08 --- Smev (30, m), North Carolina

(422) 24May08 --- Little Kool Dude --- "this was fecking awesome"

(423) 29May08 --- Gabriela Sanchez (44, f), Argentina --- "it's a great, funny game, I learnt a lot of new things. Congratulations to the author!!!"

(424) 30May08 --- A. M. --- "GREAT RIDDLE!"

(425) 02Jun08 --- Nancy V. (f) --- "Amazing riddle! Entertaining all the way!"

(426) 25Jul08 --- Sam (39, m)

(427) 11Aug08 --- Cesar Sanchez (20, m), Earth --- "level 57 was particularly annoying... i mean, what the hell... why did the answer have nothing to do with the message? grr... But still, fun puzzle."

(428) 25Sep08 --- Tom Cooper (17, m), MIGHTY MACEDON --- "Hard! But awesome."

(429) 08Oct08 --- Philip Poulakis (34, m), Athens, Greece

(430) 12Nov08 --- Kunal (28, m), India

(431) 30Nov08 --- Kaitlin (16, f), Texas

(432) 21Dec08 --- Eric (30, m), France

(433) 23Dec08 --- Momo Mac (25, m) --- "Good stuff, last few were a bit random but I enjoyed it all. Now please let me into the next stage!"

(434) 10Jan09 --- Maria Y. (22, f), Burbank --- "Thank you to the gorgeous Anna M. for getting me here....again :) 'Twas a fantastic and painful adventure hehe. Muah!"

(435) 17Feb09 --- Tamk (f), Greece --- "Great game ...I love it ...:)"

(436) 17Feb09 --- shaharc (35, m), Israel --- "great riddle, having a lot of fun solving it, now for part II :)"

(437) 18Feb09 --- GreiS (45, f), Argentina --- "I really enjoyed this riddle !! I love it now going for the second part !!!!! Congrats !!"

(438) 18Feb09 --- Clee (f), USA --- "Great riddle it made sense and was fun to play, Now forward I go!!"

(439) 24Feb09 --- Sena10 (m), Brazil --- "Very good Riddle Gaucho. Really liked it and hope more fun on the other parts."

(440) 27Feb09 --- BnA (old, m), USA --- "Thank you so much for JAOR, it's not just another online riddle. It's excellent. Finished part 1. :) Onward, to part 2."

(441) 04Mar09 --- Ola (29, f), Poland

(442) 13Mar09 --- pel45 (old, f), Australia --- "Great riddle - thank you Gaucho."

(443) 16Mar09 --- Christine Dreer (23, f), Liverpool --- "Yippeeee, finally managed to solve the riddle :) Took me nearly half a year, was stuck on level 47 for ages. But it was always a nice excuse in order not to study ;) Great job, Tine"

(444) 27Mar09 --- Lee Partington (18, m), St. Helens, Merseyside --- "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!"

(445) 10Apr09 --- Jeremy Sardoma (19, m), North Hills, Ca --- "KEEP IT GOING!"

(446) 03May09 --- Steve (35, m), Vancouver, BC --- "very difficult at times, and thoroughly engrossing. i am now a hermit. thanks."

(447) 26May09 --- rudriguez (22, m), Germany --- "nice!"

(448) 10Jun09 --- Loz (32, m), Newcastle upon Tyne --- "Excellent riddles, on to the next stage... :-)"

(449) 21Jun09 --- Kyle Dixon (16, m), California --- "Amazing riddle. Had a blast playing through it. Even though I had some tough times solving a few of them, definitely worth playing."

(450) 23Jun09 --- Sarah (29, f), Australia --- "Cool riddle! Looking forward to the next lot"

(451) 26Jun09 --- Alex (19, m), Billinge --- "Fuck yeah :)"

(452) 15Jul09 --- John (29, m), Cardiff, UK --- "That was harrowing"

(453) 26Jul09 --- Odin Søvik (24, m), Norway --- "Great riddles, are gonna start pt2 now. keep up the good work... cheers"

(454) 26Jul09 --- MichaelR (20, m), Germany --- "Awesome!!"

(455) 09Dec09 --- Shematics12 (David) (14, m), Massachusetts, USA --- "Enjoyed every minute of it! Except 21, that was hard. And 59, that one hurt my technologically challenged mind... Thanks... see you at level 100 :)"

(456) 16Dec09 --- Norman (m), Karlsruhe --- "good riddle but not as hard as notpr0n"

(457) 09Mar10 --- Jocke Åström (30, m), Sweden --- "Nice riddle!"

(458) 09Mar10 --- Fuhling (29, m), Sweden --- "Great game, can't wait for part 2!"

(459) 10Mar10 --- Christoffer Öhman (29, m), Sundsvall

(460) 18Mar10 --- Cechise (27, m), Stockholm --- "Yaaay!!"

(461) 29Mar10 --- Brandon Puccio (18, m), Windsor, Ontario --- "finally"

(462) 31Mar10 --- Helen Fu --- "This was fun :) I played it a really long time ago and noticed some changes. It's less frustrating second time around. Thanks for this."

(463) 13May10 --- marianthi k. --- "heeelll yeahhh:):) That was amazing (except lvl 59..it's 6 in the morning and now i got it loool). Your game still continues and we have 2010!! Gongrats my friend :D"

(464) 03Aug10 --- Bizkit (23, m), Minnesota --- "Awesome riddle! Onto Part 2!"

(465) 06Aug10 --- Psalm (25, f), Philippines

(466) 20Aug10 --- Phil Jemmett (19, m), Wolverhampton, England --- "Win."

(467) 11Sep10 --- TbTn (m), Japan --- "Thank you for great and fun riddle."

(468) 01Oct10 --- Alex ^_^ (18, m), Billinge --- "Skilled!"

(469) 17Oct10 --- riddler (47, m), Bonn, Germany --- "danke für diesen netten zeitvertreib;-)"

(470) 18Oct10 --- Helga (55, f), Berlin --- "this riddle was a great pleasure for me"

(471) 16Jan11 --- Danny (15, m), England --- "..-. .-. --- -- / ..--- ----- ----- ..... / - --- / ..--- ----- .---- .---- --..-- / .-- .... .- - / .- / .-..-. - .-. .. ..- -- .--. .... .-..-. .-.-.-"

(472) 25Feb11 --- Christopher (19, m), Canada --- "haha, yay! Second time finishing! The first was 4 years ago at age 15. (:"

(473) 28Feb11 --- Flo888 (43, f), France --- "lot of fun, even if sometimes you fell like locking yourself in a closet for the rest of your life, because you feel so dumb ! well done !"

(474) 23Apr11 --- Nikolaos, a.k.a. SirVenom (19, m), OK, USA --- "This was quite a challenge - indeed, I quit for a very long time before returning this week. I have to say, Goucho, your work inspires me. Now for Part 2!"

(475) 02Jun11 --- cerasi alone (20, f), USA

(476) 31Aug11 --- Matthew and Karalee (28,5, both), Lake Forest, CA

(477) 24Sep11 --- Alexander Dziambor (21, m), Halle, Germany --- "Probably grew my first grey hairs in the process but I finally made it! Tolles Rätsel ;-) Habe so einiges dabei gelernt"

(478) 25Oct11 --- Tim Ewy (26, m), United States --- "woooo!!! finally!!!"

(479) 11Nov11 --- Barbara MacMillan (f)

(480) 03Dec11 --- Mortisaga (34, m), Thuringia, Germany

(481) 17Jan12 --- Tanner (20, m), Canada --- "Beat it again! (still got it! ;))"

(482) 25Jan12 --- Eddie (58, m), Austria --- "great riddle - thank you!"

(483) 07Feb12 --- brandon puccio (15, m), Ontario, Canada --- "pretty sick. glad im done:)"

(484) 17Apr12 --- Jesse (16, f), Australia

(485) 20May12 --- Deepak Jena (Mr. Idiot) (22, m), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India --- "It was a Legend Wait - for - it Dary Experience , Thanks To shahzada , who made me start this 1 :)."

(486) 21May12 --- Tadit Kumar Dash (21, m), Bhubaneswar, India --- "Very nice riddle game. Learned so many things while searching for the answers. Thanks a lot. And I am very happy. :)"

(487) 21May12 --- Manish (26, m), New Delhi --- "Njoyed"

(488) 21May12 --- vivek (24, m), New Delhi --- "Challenging and addicting"

(489) 22May12 --- Roshan Kumar Gupta (23, m), India --- "Really interesting and tricky one. Lost a lot of my hair in the process."

(490) 24Jun12 --- Mr. M --- "Awesome, lots of fun here."

(491) 21Aug12 --- Rose (24, f), Massachusetts, USA --- "I loved it! Boyfriend Matt helped :) 57 and 59 were awful, the rest was easy!"

(492) 22Aug12 --- Iain & Jess (23/24, m/f), UK --- "Super awesome"

(493) 11Oct12 --- Subu (26, m), India --- "This was really challenging, and hence, enjoyable! :)"

(494) 15Oct12 --- Alex P (23, m), Austin, TX --- "A really enjoyable and challenging range of puzzles. :)"

(495) 18Oct12 --- Hugh Heaven --- "Haha Jack and Joel ;) i win"

(496) 19Oct12 --- Andrew Gray (25, m), Detroit, MI --- "Awesome riddle, but I think I have a permanent headache now, thanks."

(497) 04Nov12 --- Aleksandra (33, f), Poland --- "Nice!"

(498) 08Nov13 --- mtatt100

(499) 03Jan14 --- Peter Petrel (42, m), Germany --- "Nice Game!!! Thanks "

(500) 27Apr14 --- J Rainbow (21, m), Oxford --- "Brillo!"

(501) 27Apr14 --- IBDoyle (21, m), London --- "Aardvark"